Name of Employee Undertaking this Client Sign-Off Form
Employees Job Title
Date of Client Sign-Off Appointment
Pre-Booked Calendar Appointment Start Time (Digital Format)
Pre-Booked Calendar Appointment Finish Time (Digital Format)
Pre-Booked Meeting Reference Number
Allocated Meeting Time
Additional Information
For example: If the client sign-off meeting was not scheduled, please provide an explanation below.
Start Time of Client Sign-Off Appointment (Digital Format)
What RIBA Work Stage is the Client currently Signing-Off On?
RIBA Work Stage 3: Pre-Planning Submission
Did you successfully receive your Project Information from Architecture North Ltd?
If you have encountered any issues with receiving your Project Information, please describe them in the space provided below.
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A
Have you had the opportunity to review your received Project Information?
Do you have any questions or concerns about the contents of the Project Information provided?
Not Applicable
Client Concerns Below
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A
As our instructing client, would you prefer Architecture North Ltd to submit your drawings to the Local Authority Application, or would you prefer to submit them yourself?
Yes - Architecture North Ltd to submit your drawings to the Local Authority
No - Client to submit your drawings to the Local Authority
If the Answer to the Question above is 'Yes', What Date Is It
Not Applicable
Do you understand that, for privacy purposes, if you choose Architecture North Ltd to submit your application, Architecture North Ltd will be listed under Applicant Details for your project?
Yes, I understand
Not Applicable, we have not requested this scope of works
If you have instructed Architecture North Ltd to submit your drawings to the Local Authority, please confirm you understand this will raise a separate invoice for this scope of works, which is separate from Architecture North Ltd.
Yes, I understand
Not Applicable, we have not requested this scope of works
Your Planning Application Submission Invoice will be raised on
Not Applicable
What category of Planning Application does the client prefer to submit for this project?
Please select all that apply.
Not Applicable - The client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to submit this application for their project
Pre-Application Advice: It provides an opportunity to discuss proposed development plans, receive feedback on feasibility, and address any potential concerns or constraints early in the planning process.
Outline Planning Permission: This application provides an initial assessment of the proposed development's feasibility without detailed design plans. It establishes the principle of development but requires a subsequent application for approval of the reserved matters.
Full Planning Permission: This application is for all types of development, including new builds, extensions, and changes of use.
Reserved Matters: Following the grant of outline planning permission, this application provides detailed plans and specifications for aspects not covered in the outline approval, such as appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale.
Listed Building Consent: Required for proposed works that affect the character or appearance of a listed building, including alterations, extensions, or demolition.
Conservation Area Consent: Needed for proposed works affecting the character or appearance of buildings within a conservation area.
Advertisement Consent: Required for the display of advertisements, signs, or hoardings in certain locations.
Certificate of Lawfulness: This application confirms that a proposed or existing development is lawful, either because it is permitted development or because it has been carried out for a continuous period without enforcement action.
Change of Use Application: This application seeks permission to change the use of a building or land, such as converting a commercial property into residential accommodation.
Prior Approval: Required for certain types of development that benefit from permitted development rights but still need prior approval from the local planning authority, such as larger home extensions and changes of use.
Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Consent: Needed for proposed works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order.
Local Authority Appeal Application: A local authority appeal application is a request made to challenge a decision by the local government. It allows our instructing client's to seek a review or reversal of the initial decision.
Planning Inspectorates Appeal Application: A Planning Inspectorate's Appeal Application is a way to challenge decisions made by local planners. It's like asking a higher authority to review and possibly change the decision if it's not fair.
Permitted Development Rights: Allows certain types of building work and changes to properties to be carried out without the need for a full planning application.
If You have answered Permitted Development Rights, Please note that a Planning Application does not need to be submitted.
However, the project must still comply with the relevant conditions and limitations set out in planning legislation.
Yes, I understand
Not Applicable - The client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to submit this application for their project
Not Applicable - The client is submitting a planning application under a different category for their project
Would you like to appoint Architecture North Ltd to manage your Planning Application for the duration of the Planning Timeframe?
Yes, Please refer to our Disbursements
No, Client's Responsibility. The client has outlined that they will be managing their application.
If the client has instructed Architecture North Ltd with managing their Planning Application, kindly gather the client's availability for the next 12 weeks. This will aid in coordinating and scheduling a planning case officer's site visit efficiently.
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Clients Availability has been Undertaken.
Clients Availability
Are there any days within the next 12 weeks where you cannot accommodate meetings?
Should the instructing client choose to appoint Architecture North Ltd to manage their Planning Application, we will handle all communication and coordination with their Planning Case Officer throughout the whole application process. This includes scheduling one on-site meeting with the planning case officer, which is part of our service. However, the client acknowledges that a disbursement fee will apply to cover travel and mileage expenses.
Not Applicable, we have not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Yes, we understand
What type of development does the application relate to?
Residential (Dwellinghouses) -Enlargement, improvement or alteration of a flat or single dwellinghouse
Residential (Dwellinghouses) -Enlargement, improvement or alteration of two or more dwellinghouse
Other- The erection of buildings e.g. commercial, community, charity, residential (not dwellinghouses, agricultural or glasshouses)
Other- The erection of agricultural buildings (not glasshouses) on land used for agricultural purposes
Other- The erection of glasshouses on land used for agricultural purposes
Other- The erection, alteration or replacement of plant or machinery
Other- Use of land for disposal of refuse or waste materials
Other operations - other than winning and working of minerals
Construction of car parks, service roads and other means of access where the development is required for a purpose incidental to the existing use of the land
Other material change of use of a building or land
How many new dwellinghouses are you proposing to create?
What is the Square Meter Area of the Red Line Site Boundary (Whole Project Site Area)
What is the Square Meter Area of the Existing Building Area
What is the Square Meter Area of the Proposed Concept Design Area?
Is the application being made on behalf of a parish or community council?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Is the application an alternative proposal being submitted by the same applicant on the same day for the same site, and this application is the lesser cost?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Is the application being made on behalf of a non-profit making sports club, society or other organisation for works for playing fields other than the erection of a building ?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Is this a new version (2 or higher) of an application originally submitted before 6 December 2023?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Is the proposal for extensions and alterations to a disabled person's dwelling house to improve access, safety, comfort, etc?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Is the proposal for provision of means of access for disabled persons to public buildings?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Is this application the first and only revision of a previous application of the same type, for development of the same character or description, on the same site (or part of that site), by the same applicant?
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Does your proposal relate to an alternate use of buildings or land within the same Use Class that requires planning permission only by the requirements of a condition imposed on a permission granted or deemed to be granted under Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). Note that this exemption does not apply to proposals where permitted development rights have been removed by a condition or an Article 4 direction.
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Are there Established Opening Hours for the Existing Project Site?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
Do the Opening Hours of the Existing Project site vary on Public or Bank Holidays?
Not Applicable - The Site does not have any Opening Hours
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
Are there any Existing Employees on the Project Site?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
If you have chosen Architecture North Ltd to manage your application, we will contact you three working weeks prior to the expected decision notice to discuss the next steps. This includes scenarios where your Planning Case Officer requests an Extension of Time for your Application, or in the event of a Non-Determination of Application. Therefore, we kindly request that you familiarise yourself with Planning Extension of Time Applications and Non-Determination Decision Notices, as this will enable us to have a productive conversation about how you would like us to proceed should either situation arise within your application.
Not Applicable, as the client has not instructed Architecture North Ltd to manage their application.
Yes, we understand.
Would you like a hard copy of your drawings to be sent to you?
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
Postal/Collection Address
If the client has not requested the delivery or collection of a set of drawings, please enter N/A here.
Please note that if you have requested a set of drawings to be printed and fail to collect them by the specified collection date and time, or if you have selected "Not Applicable" for any of the options provided, a copy of your drawings will automatically be sent to you via Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm, and the associated charges will apply.
Yes, I understand
Not Applicable, we have not requested a set of Drawings to be Printed Out
How many Drawing Issue Packs would you like to Receive?
How would you prefer to receive your printed out drawings? Delivery via Royal Mail Postage, or Collection in Person?
Not Applicable, we have not requested any Printed Out Drawings
Royal Mail Postage
Delivered to Delivery Address - Please book the Client in for a Delivered to Delivery Address Appointment:
Collect In-Person - Please book the Client in for a Collect in Person Appointment:
If you would like your drawings delivered to you or prefer to collect them in person at our studio, please confirm that you understand this will incur a disbursement fee.
Not Applicable, we have not requested any Drawings to be Sent
Yes. We understand
When would you like your Drawings to be Delivered or Collected?
Not Applicable - We have not requested any Drawings to be sent
Not Applicable - We have requested our Drawings to be Delivered via Royal Mail
Same Day Delivery
Next Working Day Delivery
3 Working Day’s Delivery
5 Working Day’s Delivery
7 Working Day’s Delivery
If the client wishes to receive their drawings via Royal Mail, please specify the preferred postal service.
Not Applicable - We have not requested any Drawings to be sent
Not Applicable - We have requested our drawings to be Delivered In-Person or Collected In-Person.
Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm
Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For
Royal Mail 1st Class
Royal Mail Tracked 24 Signature
Royal Mail Tracked 24
Royal Mail 2nd Class
Royal Mail Tracked 48 Signature
Royal Mail Tracked 48
Would you like to receive a copy of your project material(s) in their RAW format?
Architecture North Ltd shall not be liable for any use of any project material other than for the purpose for which they were prepared and provided by the Architect/Consultant.
Yes - Pease refer to our Disbursements
If the instructing client has answered "Yes" to the Question above, please undertake the Request for Information Form
Not Applicable - The Instructing Client has not requested a copy of their RAW Project Material(s)
By requesting a copy of your Raw Files you as our instructing client understand that such a request releases any liability for professional negligence concerning your project. Architecture North Ltd shall not be liable for any use of the drawings and documents other than for the purpose for which they were prepared and provided by the Architect/Consultant. To open a Raw Document you need a software application that supports the format.
Not Applicable - The Instructing Client has not requested a copy of their RAW Project Material
Yes, I understand
As our Instructing Client could you please confirm that you have downloaded the most recent set of drawings and have retained a copy for your records?
Yes - As the instructing client, I affirm that I have obtained and maintained the most recent drawings.
No – Please download the latest set of drawings from your WeTransfer Portal within the next 24 hours. Any requests made after this period will incur the WeTransfer Retrieval Fee.
We recommend saving all documents received from us in a dedicated folder on your computer. This will allow us to efficiently discuss any set of drawings according to their date of issue, as indicated in the WeTransfer email you received from us.
Yes - I understand
By ticking this box, you acknowledge that if you request a copy of our drawings that have been previously uploaded a File Retrieval Fee will be applicable for this service.
Yes - I understand
FAQs of how the Planning Process can be found by following this link:
Instructing Client's Name
Your Email Address
Phone Number
Correspondence Address including Full Postcode
Project Site Address including Full Postcode
Project Job Number
I understand by signing off this Client Sign Off Submission will raise my latest invoice for this scope of works and disbursements.
Yes, I understand
Details of How to Make a Payment can be found by following this link:
A copy of our Company Disbursements can be found by following this link:
Do you agree that your typed full name signature replaces, in this context, your written signature.
Date of Declaration
Time of Submission (Digital Format)
Do you confirm that all the information you have provided Today is Correct
Yes, Declaration Made
If you would like to provide us with some feedback about your experience with us, please follow this link:
If you would like to leave a review, please follow this link:
Would you like to provide any Additional Information?
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A