This form is to be completed by the instructing client and submitted to Architecture North to confirm the scope of works for your consultants.
Your approval holds significant weight in confirming satisfaction with the services provided by these consultants and signals your commitment to the outlined scope of works.
This Client Approval Form marks a crucial juncture in our collaborative process, ensuring the successful realisation of your project. As the instructing client, your completion of this form plays a pivotal role in affirming your satisfaction.
It symbolises a noteworthy milestone in your project's architectural journey, providing a foundational framework upon which subsequent development will unfold.
The third-party consultants hold a specialized role, enriching the comprehensive approach to your project. Your approval on this sign-off page reflects your satisfaction with the quality and relevance of their services, contributing substantially to the project's overall success.
Your active involvement in this approval process underscores the collaborative nature of our engagement with the third-party consultants. Your insights and endorsement of the scope showcase a shared commitment to the project's success.
It is imperative to recognise that all services provided by the Client Appointed Third-Party Consultants, as outlined in the approved scope of works, are strictly non-refundable. This underscores the dedicated allocation of resources for the successful execution of their services.
By affixing your signature below, you enter into a legal and binding agreement, affirming your understanding and acceptance of any contractual obligations, confidentiality agreements, and legal considerations related to the third-party consultants engaged in your project.
Your completion of this Client Sign-Off Page signifies that you have diligently reviewed, comprehended, and agree to the terms and conditions outlined herein. Your approval is pivotal, enabling the consultants to proceed with their specialized contributions to the project.
We appreciate your attention to this process. Kindly submit the completed form promptly, facilitating a seamless continuation of the consultants' valuable contributions to your project.
If you have any queries or require further clarification, do not hesitate to contact our team.