Adding a Named Nominee to Speak on your Behalf.
Data protection rules mean we’re unable to discuss to your project agreement with anyone other than yourself unless the person is named as a ‘nominee’ on your agreement.
You can add a new contact to your agreement at any time by completing this form.
Why you may want to add a new contact ('nominee')?
Occasionally we receive phonecalls from our client’s partners or their family members of our clients who, due to unforeseen circumstances, need to speak to us about a client’s project.
Unfortunately, because of data protection rules, we’re unable to talk to them unless you’ve given us your consent previously.
To help prevent this from becoming an issue, you can add a new contact, or nominee, to your project agreement.
An appointed nominee may speak and make changes to your project on your behalf.
Please note: They will have no legal rights and your agreement will remain in your name, as the lead client.
How to add a new contact.
Both you and your new contact will need to complete our form overleaf.
Please note: It will take up to five working days to set up a nominee on your project account.
For extra security, you’ll be asked to create a password that they can use when they call.
Project Password.
Your account will be secured by a unique password for your protection.
To appoint and sign off your drawings, simply enter the first initial of your first name, the first initial of your surname (both in uppercase), immediately followed by the day, month, then year of your birth.
For example, if your name is John Smith and you were born on the 1st of December in 1970, your password will be JS01121970.