Supporting Neighbours
Planning Application Letters.

The first impression of your Planning Application can set an example for your neighbours support towards your application.

The new planning reforms that have been announced by Prince Charles in the Queens Speech include the Planning Permission reform which includes “to give neighbours more involvement within local development”.

‘Street Votes' will be one of the new planning reforms designed to give local people the power to set their own development rules within areas. This means that your application would need the support of 60% of residents, which would lead to automatic planning permission for new homes and extensions.

The government published planning reforms to strengthen requirements on design quality and to give local authorities power to reject housing schemes which do not meet the required quality. 

It is now easier to secure planning permission if your builds are well designed, negbourhood supportive, and through the use of high-quality materials.

Normally, our neighbours outline to you in person that they are supportive of your planning application, but unfortunately, saying that they support the application, and writing out a letter that supports your application in writing are two very different actions.

With the new delegated powers that our neighbours hold, it is now more important than ever we approach our neighbours and get them to write a letter of recommendation for your planning application addressed to Local Authority Case Officer.

Here at Architecture North we understand the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) where we can write out a number of bespoke different letters for your application on the behalf of your neighbours.

Should you choose to have a bespoke letter written out on behalf of your neighbour, where we can post the letter via Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For or 2nd Class Signed Forr.

You will then need to approach your neighbours with the letter and get them to:

  1. Read the letter and they understand what they are supporting.

  2. If they support your planning application get them to sign the letter with their signature.

  3. Put their name under their signature.

  4. Put their address under their name.

Once all of the steps have been undertaken above, please send the letters back to our studio address via either Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For or 2nd Class Signed For.

Our Studio Address is:
Architecture North Ltd, Studio One, Archway Courts, Nottingham, NG7 4AP

Where we will scan the signed in letter into the Planning Portal Digital System, so you will have accountability that it has been received by the Case Officer, where we will also post the original letter directly to the Local Authorities Planning Department.

Strictly no refunds.

We will commence on your bespoke letter once payment has been received.

For more information please refer to our contracts.