Contractual Undertaking
Project Pause.
Client Approval
Thank you for choosing Architecture North Ltd for your project.
Here at Architecture North Ltd, we understand that sometimes circumstances may require you to pause your architectural project, and we are here to support you during this time.
We have developed a straightforward project pause process to ensure you can temporarily halt your project while remaining confident that your project will be ready to proceed when you are.
To initiate the pause, we ask that you complete the Project Pause Request Form. This form allows us to document the details of the pause and ensures we have accurate and up-to-date information on your current status and plans moving forward.
Please note, during the pause, no additional work will be completed unless specifically agreed upon. If you decide not to resume the project, please be reminded that any outstanding balance from the agreement will be due in accordance with the terms of your contract.
At Architecture North Ltd., we are committed to supporting you during the pause and ensuring that when the time is right to proceed, we can continue delivering exceptional service and excellence in your project.
If you have any questions or need further assistance with the project pause, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to guide you through the process and ensure a seamless pause and future resumption of your project.