Name of Employee Undertaking this Client Sign-Off Form
Employees Job Title
Date of Client Sign-Off Appointment
Pre-Booked Calendar Appointment Start Time (Digital Format Only)
Pre-Booked Calendar Appointment Finished Time (Digital Format Only)
Pre-Booked Meeting Reference Number
Allocated Meeting Time
Additional Information
For example: If the client sign-off meeting was not scheduled, please provide an explanation below.
Start Time of Client Sign-Off Appointment (Digital Format Only)
What RIBA Work Stage is the Client currently Signing-Off On?
Utilities Review
Did you successfully receive your Project Information from Architecture North Ltd?
If you have encountered any issues with receiving your Project Information, please describe them in the space provided below.
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A
Have you had the opportunity to review your received Project Information?
Do you have any questions or concerns about the contents of the Project Information provided?
Not Applicable
Client Concerns Below
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A
What is the Existing usage of the Project Site:
Is the Project Site Address currently vacant?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
Please select the correct Housing Categories for Any Existing Units on the Project Site
Not Applicable - Vacant Land
Market Housing
Social, Affordable or Intermediate Rent
Affordable Home Ownership
Starter Home
Self-Build/Custom Build
Other - Please Provide Details Below
If you have answered Other to Question X, please provide details
Is the Project Site within an Area at Risk of Flooding?
Is the Project Site within 20 meters of a watercourse? (eg. River, Steam or Beck)
How is the Existing Project Site Address Surface Water Disposed of?
Not Applicable - Vacant Site
Sustainable Drainage System
Existing Water Course
Mains Sewer
If your Project Site Address is in a Flood-Prone Area, a Flood Risk Assessment will be required for your Project.
Yes, I understand
Do you understand if your project requires Planning Permission, a Flood Risk Assessment will be necessary as part of the submission
Yes, I understand
Would you like to appoint Architecture North Ltd to conduct a Flood Risk Assessment?
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
Does the Project Site contain any Contaminated Land?
Yes - Please mark on the Drawings where the Suspected Contaminated Land is on the Project Site
If your Project Site Address does have any Contaminated Land, a Land Contamination Report will be required for your Project.
Yes, I understand
Do you understand if your project requires Planning Permission, a Land Contamination Report will be necessary as part of the submission
Yes, I understand
Would you like to appoint Architecture North Ltd to undertake a Land Contamination Report for your Project?
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
Is the Existing Mains Power distributed by overhead power lines or underground power lines?
Overhead Power Lines
Underground Power Lines
Not Applicable - Vacant Land
A tick indicates that the following have been undertaken
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client Utility review Meeting, the Existing Mains Electric Entry Point was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client Utility review Meeting, the Existing Meter Box was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client Utility review Meeting, the Existing Electrical Vehicle Charging Points were located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client Utility review Meeting, the Existing Fuse, or Distribution Board was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Mains Electric Location Entry Point, a fee will be charged for coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Mains Electric Meter Box, a fee will be charged for coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
Existing Energy Rating
N/A - Proposed New Build
Energy Validation Status
Property Type
Detached House
Terraced House
Commercial Property
Industrial Property
Are there any Solar Panels on the Project Site?
A tick indicates that the following have been undertaken
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client Utility review Meeting, the Existing Solar Panels was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Existing Solar Panels, a fee will be charged for coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
A tick indicates that the following have been undertaken
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utilities Review Meeting, the Existing Mains Water Inlet was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utilities Review Meeting, the Existing Mains Water Meter Box was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utilities Review Meeting, the Existing Mains Water Stop Cock was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawing
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Mains Water Inlet, a fee will be charged for coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Mains Water Meter Box, a fee will be charged for coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
How is the Existing Foul is Disposed of from the Project Site
Not Applicable - Vacant Site
Mains Sewer
Septic Tank
Package Treatment Plant
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Existing Sewerage System Location, a fee will be charged for the coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
A tick indicates that the following have been undertaken
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utilities Review Meeting, the Existing Gas Location Entry Point was located within the Existing Property and Drawn on the Utilities Drawings
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utilities Review Meeting, the Existing Gas Meter Box was located within the Existing Property and Drawn on the Utilities Drawings
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utilities Review Meeting, the Existing Gas Isolation Point's were located within the Existing Property and Drawn on the Utilities Drawings
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Existing Mains Gas Entry Location Point, a fee will be charged for the coordination with the relevant utilities consultant.
Yes, I understand
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Existing Gas Meter Box, a fee will be charged for the coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
Is there an existing landline connection to the property?
A tick indicates that the following have been undertaken
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utility Review Meeting, the Existing Internet Inlet Connection was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawings
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utility Review Meeting, the Existing Landline Point was located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawings
By ticking this box, it confirm's that during the Client's Utility Review Meeting, the Existing Satellite Dishes were located within the Existing Property and drawn on the Utilities Drawings
Do you understand that if you choose to move your Existing Communication Lines, a fee will be charged for the coordination with the relevant utilities consultant
Yes, I understand
Are there any Underground Services within the Project?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
If you have answered Yes to Question X, please provide details below
If Not Applicable, please write N/A here
Do you understand that if any Existing Underground Services are discovered within your project, a fee will be charge for the coordination with the relevant consultant.
Yes, I understand
Are there any Other Existing Utilities we need to be made aware of within your Project?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
If you have answered Yes Question X, please provide details below
If Not Applicable, please write N/A here.
Are there any Trees or Hedges on the Project Site
Yes - Please mark on the Utilities Drawings where the Trees or Hedges are on thr Site
Are there any Trees or Hedges on the Land Adjacent to the Proposed Development Site that could influence the Project Development, or that might be important as part of the Local Landscape Character
Yes - Please make the Utilities Drawings where the Trees and Hedges are on the Land Adjacent
If your Project Site Address contains Trees and Hedges, an Arboriculturalist Report will be required for your Project.
Yes, I understand
Do you understand that if your project requires Planning Permission, an Arboriculturalist Report will be necessary as part of the planning submission
Yes, I understand
Would you like to appoint Architecture North Ltd to conduct an Arboriculturalist Report
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
Does the site contain any buildings or structures that could provide nesting or roosting sites for birds, bats, or other species?
Are there any buildings or outbuildings that may contain bat roosts or bird nests?
Are there any roof spaces, chimneys, or eaves that could be used by birds or bats for nesting or roosting?
Does the site contain any ponds or water bodies that may support aquatic species, such as amphibians or waterfowl?
Are there any existing ponds, streams, or other water sources on the site?
Are there any species such as frogs, newts, or water voles currently using these water bodies?
Are there any mature trees on the site that may provide nesting or roosting sites for birds or other species?
Are there any trees with hollow trunks, large branches, or old growth that could be suitable for birds, bats, or insects?
Do any trees have nests or signs of activity from species such as owls, bats, or woodpeckers?
Are there any hedgerows or scrub areas that could provide shelter or nesting sites for birds, small mammals, or insects?
Does the site include any well-established hedgerows, scrubland, or dense vegetation?
Are these areas used by species such as hedgehogs, nesting birds, or pollinators like bees and butterflies?
Does the site contain any grassland or wildflower meadows that could support nesting species or ground-dwelling animals?
Are there areas of long grass or wildflowers that could provide nesting habitat for ground-nesting birds or insects?
Is there evidence of species like skylarks or voles using these areas?
Are there any other features on the site, such as rock piles, walls, or abandoned structures, that could provide shelter for wildlife?
Do you have stone walls, rock piles, or any other structural elements that might serve as shelter for reptiles, amphibians, or small mammals?
Are there any disused buildings or structures that might provide habitat for other species, like owls, bats, or insects?
Would you like a Biodiversity survey to be conducted for the site?
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
If Yes, would you like to initiate a tender process to engage a third-party ecological or conservation expert to conduct a biodiversity survey?
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
Not Applicable
Does the Existing Project Site have any Existing Vehicle/Cycle Parking Spaces
Yes - Please mark on the Utilities Drawing where the Existing Vehicle & Cycle Spaces are
Number of Existing Disabled Car Parking Spaces
Number of Existing Car Parking Spaces
Number of Existing Cycle Parking Spaces
Would you like a Supporting report to be prepared to accompany your Planning application?
Instructing Clients Details
First Name
Last Name
Your Email Address
Correspondence Address including Full Postcode
Project Site Address including Full Postcode
Phone Number
Project Job Number
As our instructing client you understand that if you have requested any additional Scope of Works will raise your latest invoice for this scope of works and disbursements.
Yes, I understand
Details of How to Make a Payment can be found by following this link:
A copy of our Company Disbursements can be found by following this link:
If you wish to make any changes to this form submission, that is entirely acceptable. However, please be aware that any modifications will incur an additional administration charge.
Yes, I understand
Digitally Typed Signature
Do you agree that your typed full name signature replaces, in this context, your written signature.
Yes, I agree
Date of Declaration
Time of Submission (Digital Format)
Do you confirm that all the information you have provided Today is Correct
Yes, Declaration Made
If you would like to provide us with some feedback about your experience with us, please follow this link:
If you would like to leave a review, please follow this link:
Thank you for signing off your RIBA. Work Stage 2 Drawings.
At 18:00 today you will receive a copy of your Client Sign-Off Submission, where you will have the opportunity to review your submission.
If you wish to make any changes, please be aware that this will be subject to an administration fee.
I trust that this meets with your approval, but should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you.
Please note our business opening hours are: Monday 10am to 4pm Tuesday 10am to 4pm Wednesday 10am to 4pm Thursday 10am to 4pm Friday 10am to 3pm
Excluding bank/public holidays.
You can follow us on our social media accounts, by searching @theANStudios or following this link:
Where our social media accounts show a number of projects we have, followed by the professional level of service we deliver to our clients.
Thank you for signing off at RIBA Work Stage 2!