Employees Name
Employees Job Title
Date of Client Sign-Off Appointment
Pre-Booked Calendar Appointment Start Time (Digital Format)
Pre-Booked Calendar Appointment Finish Time (Digital Format)
Allocated Meeting Time
Date of Quotation Issued to the Client
Date of Follow-Up Meeting
Please confirm you have undertaken Quotation Follow-Up before proceeding with the Quotation Project Acceptance.
Yes, Quotation Follow-Up was Undertaken and the Client indicated they were ready to proceed with the Quotation Project Acceptance
Date of Quotation Expiry
Date of Project Quotation Acceptance
Start Time of Client Sign-Off Appointment (Digital Format)
Project Job/Quote Number
Which RIBA Professional Services Contract is the Instructing Client agreeing to:
RIBA Concise Professional Services Contract - https://www.architecturenorth.co.uk/digital-contracts/concise
RIBA Standard Professional Services Contract - https://www.architecturenorth.co.uk/digital-contracts/standard
You understand that the quotation we have submitted to you is an estimate based on the initial information available at the time of your project proposal.
Yes, I understand
Upon Project Acceptance, we will undertake RIBA Stage 0: Strategic Definition. Should this study reveal any new findings, adjustments to your project may be required. We will inform you promptly of any changes as outlined within your Project Scope.
Yes, I understand
During our meetings with Architecture North Ltd, we would like to inform you that all meetings, whether in-person, in-studio, online, or remote, will be recorded in compliance with regulatory requirements. These recordings will be used for both training and monitoring purposes.
Yes, I understand and consent
Should our meetings take place in-person, would you prefer our team member to wear a face mask for your protection?
No - I'm fine with your team members not wearing a face mask
Yes - I would feel more comfortable if the team members wears a face mask during the meeting
Are you instructing Architecture North Ltd as a Private Individual Client or on behalf of a Company or an Organisation?
Private Individual Client
Company or an Organisation
Instructing Client's Name
Have you been Previously known by a Different Name
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
What Name(s) were you Previously Known By?
If Not Applicable, please write N/A
Instructing Client's Preferred Pronoun
Instructing Client's Phone Number
Would you prefer Phone Calls via WhatsApp or Traditional/Normal Phone Calls
WhatsApp Phone Calls
Traditional/Normal Phone Calls
Do you authorise us to create a WhatsApp group for conference discussions if needed?
Instructing Client's Email Address
Do you require any reasonable adjustments in the way we communicate with you?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
If you have answered Yes to the above, please select all that apply
Not Applicable
Visually Impaired, or Blind
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Dyslexia, or Autism Spectrum Disorder
Suffer from Mental Health Issues that require us to communicate with you differently
Instructing Client's Date of Birth (8 Digit Format)
Instructing Client's Correspondence Address including Full Postcode
Instructing Client's Project Site Address including Full Postcode
Would you like to provide Architecture North Ltd with access to your Project Site by handing over the Site Keys?
If you have provided us your Project Site Address Keys, this will us to access your Project Site without requiring your permission each time. Please note that we will continue to schedule meetings with you as needed, but your presence on-site will not be required unless specified.
Not Applicable - We have not provided our Project Site Address Keys to Architecture North Ltd
Yes, we understand
Please note, that while all due care will be taken, Architecture North Ltd accepts no liability for the safekeeping of your keys
Not Applicable, we have not handed any keys to Architecture North Ltd
Yes, I understand
Should you wish to have your keys returned to you at any point of your engagement with us, this can be arranged by following the Client Handover Request Link
If we ever need to send items to your property, do you have a designated Royal Mail Safeplace?
Yes - Please provide Details Below
If you have Answered Yes, please provide details below
Does your project site have Wi-Fi available for our use? We ask because there may be occasions when we need to demonstrate things on our laptops while collaborating with you on your project.
If you have answered "No" regarding Wi-Fi availability, please note that we can tether from our mobile phones. However, depending on the signal strength in the area, this may result in slower web searches, file downloads, or other online activities.
Not Applicable - The Instructing Client has Answered 'Yes'
Yes - I understand
As our client, you understand that by accepting your project, you are required to provide us with the Instructing Client's Original Proof of Identity Documentation. Architecture North Ltd will take a copy of this information and securely upload it to your project directory
Yes, I understand
If you would like to upload a copy of the Instructing Client's Proof of Identity Documentation you can do this by following this link
Please Note: These are the documents we accept for the Instructing Client's Proof of Identity
In Date Current Passport
Current Full Driving Licence (incl. paper & photo card if applicable. We cannot accept a provisional licence.)
Current National ID Card (for all countries except the UK)
As our client, you understand that by accepting your project, you are required to provide us with a copy of the Instructing Client's Original Proof of Ownership Documentation. Architecture North Ltd will securely retain a copy and upload it to your project directory
Yes, I understand
If you would like to upload a copy of the Instructing Client's Proof of Property Ownership Documentation you can do this by following this link
Please Note: These are the documents we accept for the Instructing Client's Proof of Ownership Documentations
HM Land Register Title Plan and Registration
HM Land Register Certification
Conveyance Deed
Property Transfer Documentation
Mortgage Statement or Agreement
Solicitor's Letter or Completion Statement
As our client, you understand that by accepting your project, you are required to provide us with a copy of the Instructing Client's Original Proof of Correspondence Address. Architecture North Ltd will securely upload this information to your project directory
Yes, I understand
If you would like to upload a copy of the Instructing Client's Proof of Correspondence Address Documentation you can do this by following this link
Please Note: These are the documents we accept for the Instructing Client's Proof of Correspondence Address Documentation
Bank or Building Society Statement (Dated within last 3 months)
Original Utility Bill (Dated within last 3 months)
As part of the payment process for our scope of services, we may need your bank details to handle transactions efficiently. This ensures that payments can be made smoothly, whether it's for a deposit, progress payments, or the final amount once the work is completed. If there are any changes or refunds during the project, having your bank details allows us to process those quickly as well. We take privacy and security seriously and will ensure your information is kept safe.
Yes - I Understand
Would you like to provide Architecture North Ltd with your bank details?
Your Bank Address including Full Postcode
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A in this text box.
Are you the sole owner of all the land to which this application relates too, and has the applicant been the sole owner for more than 21 days?
Yes - Certificate A. The undersigned, as the instructing client named in this Submission Form, hereby certifies/as the applicant certifies that, as of 21 days prior to the date of this application, nobody except myself/the applicant was the owner* of any part of the land or building to which the application relates, and that none of the land to which the application relates is, or is part of agricultural holding**.
Is any of the land to which the application relates part of an Agricultural Holding?
Yes - Certificate B. Part A. You have/the applicant has given the requisite notice to everyone else (as listed within The Owner/Agricultural Tenant List) who, on the day 21 days before the date of this application, was the owner* and/or agricultural tenant** of any part of the land or building to which this application relates; or
Yes - Certificate B. Part B. You the applicant is the sole owner of all the land or buildings to which this application relates and there are no other owners* and/or agricultural tenants**.
If No, and you cannot trace all the other owner/agricultural tenants, can you give the appropriate notice to one or more owner/agricultural tenants
Yes - Certificate C. Neither Certificate A or B can be issued for this application. All reasonable steps have been taken to find out the names and addresses of the other owners (owner is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run) of the land or building, or of a part of it, but I have/the applicant has been unable to do so.
No - Certificate D. Certificate A cannot be issued for this application. All reasonable steps have been taken to find out the names and addresses of everyone else who, on the day 21 days before the date of this application, was the owner* and/or agricultural tenant** of any part of the land to which this application relates, but I have/ the applicant has been unable to do so.
Not Applicable - Certificate A or B has been undertaken
*Owner: Is a person with a freehold interest or leasehold interest with at least 7 years left to run.
**Agricultural Tenant: Has the meaning given in section 65(8) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
Proposed Scope of Works as Outlined within the Project Quotation
Within your submitted Quotation, can you confirm that the Project Site Boundary is accurate?
No - Please Provide Details Below
If the Project Site Boundary is incorrect, please Provide Details Below
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A in this text box.
What is the Project Site Boundary Area?
Is there an Existing Property on the Project Boundary Area
What is the Anticipated Total SQM of the Proposed Scope of Works
What is the Total SQM of the Entire Project, including both the Existing and the Proposed SQM. (If the Existing Property is being retained On-Site).
Quoted Landscape Design SQM of the Project
Do you understand that if your Proposed Square Meterage (SQM) for your project increases by more than 10%, your invoices will be adjusted to reflect the additional Scope of Works.
Yes, I understand
Architectural Design Scope of Services
Yes - I would like to go ahead with the Architectural Design Quotation
No - I do not wish to proceed with the Architectural Design Quotation
For Architectural Design, please select how far you would like to proceed with your project based on the RIBA Work Stages
Not Applicable - The instructing client has not appointed Architecture North Ltd for Architectural Design Scope of Services
Not Applicable – This will be addressed during the Client's Contractual Undertaking Appointment
RIBA Work Stage 0: Strategic Definition
RIBA Work Stage 1: Project Preparation & Project Briefing
RIBA Work Stage 2: Concept Design
RIBA Work Stage 3: Spatial Coordinated Developed Design
RIBA Work Stage 4: Technical Design
RIBA Work Stage 5: Contract Administration, Project Management & On-Site Construction
RIBA Work Stage 6: Project Handover
& Project Close Out
RIBA Work Stage 7: Project In Use
Interior Design Scope of Services
Yes - I would like to go ahead with Interior Design Scope of Services
No - I do not wish to proceed with Interior Design Scope of Services
Which Interior Design Scope of Services would you like to proceed with for your project?
Not Applicable - The instructing client has not Appointed Architecture North Ltd for Interior Design Scope of Services
Bespoke Quotation for Full Property Interior Design
Master Bedroom Suite - Price Per Room
Bedroom - Price Per Room
Bedroom/Home Office - Price Per Room
Walk in Wardrobe/Dressing Area - Price Per Room
Living Room - Price Per Room
Living/Dining Room - Price Per Room
Living/Dining/Kitchen Room - Price Per Room
Living/Playroom - Price Per Room
Bathroom/En-Suite - Price Per Room
Dining Room - Price Per Room
Hallway/Landing - Price Per Room
Home Office - Price Per Room
Kitchen/Dining Room - Price Per Room
Kitchen/Living Room - Price Per Room
Kitchen Finishes - Price Per Room
Playroom - Price Per Room
Terrace - Price Per Room
Room Styling Only - Price Per Room
Number of Master Bedroom Suite
Number of Bedrooms
Number of Bedroom/Home Offices
Number of Walk in Wardrobes/Dressing Area
Number of Living Rooms
Number of Living/Dining Rooms
Number of Living/Dining/Kitchen Rooms
Number of Living/Playrooms
Number of Bathrooms/En-Suites
Number of Dining Rooms
Number of Hallways/Landings
Number of Home Offices
Number of Kitchen/Dining Rooms
Number of Kitchen/Living Rooms
Number of Kitchen Finishes
Number of Playrooms
Number of Terraces
Number of Rooms for Styling Only
If you have Selected 'Rooms for Styling Only' Please Provide Additional Information on the Rooms Below:
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A in this text box.
Landscape Design Scope of Service
Yes - I would like to go ahead with the Landscape Design Quotation
No - I do not wish to proceed with the Landscape Design Quotation
For Landscape Design, please select how far you would like to proceed with your Project based on the RIBA Work Stages
Not Applicable - The instructing client has not appointed Architecture North Ltd for Landscape Design Scope of Services
Not Applicable – This will be addressed during the Client's Contractual Undertaking Appointment
RIBA Work Stage 0: Strategic Definition
RIBA Work Stage 1: Project Preparation & Project Briefing
RIBA Work Stage 2: Concept Design
RIBA Work Stage 3: Spatial Coordination Developed Design
RIBA Work Stage 4: Technical Design
RIBA Work Stage 5: Contract Administration, Project Management & On-Site Construction
RIBA Work Stage 6: Project Handover & Close Out
RIBA Work Stage 7: Project In Use
Has the Instructing Client requested any Additional Scope of Services or Services Beyond the Original Project Brief?
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
If the Answer is 'Yes' Please provide Details Below
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A in this text box.
Instructing Clients Invoice Preferences
How would you like to received your Invoices from Architecture North Ltd?
Digitally sent via Email. This is our preferred format for faster delivery and eco-friendly.
Paper Based Invoices sent via Royal Mail Tracked 24. If you opt for this method, please consult our Approved Disbursements for the applicable fees.
You understand that Architecture North Ltd accepts Faster Payments and Operates exclusively in GBP. Should you transfer a non-sterling amount, the following fees will apply:
Non-Sterling Transaction Fee: 2.95% of the sterling transaction value
Cash Transaction Fee: 5.00% of the sterling transaction value
Please understand that if you do not select a certain Scope of Works now and instruct us at a later date to proceed, your project will be subject to an administration fee and the quotation will increase with the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Yes, I understand
From the Appointed Scope of Works as mentioned above, what is the Total Quoted Amount for the Scope of Works
As our instructing client, you understand that commissioning Architecture North Ltd for your project will result in the issuance of an invoice covering this specific scope of work and associated disbursements.
Yes, I understand
Where you are acting on behalf of a Company or an Organisation, invoices may be addressed to the Company or an Organisation. However, in your capacity as named as the Instructing Client, you agree to guarantee personally the payment by the Company or an Organisation of all our Project Costs and Project Disbursements.
Yes, I understand
You acknowledge that this invoice will be issued on the next business day at 10:30am, with payment due upon receipt.
Yes, I understand
How will the Project be Financed?
Do you have the finances for the construction costs of the project already in place?
How much is your range of construction costs budget for the project?
The Client has outlined they they are unsure on how much their project with cost to construct
No Budget for The Project
Below £50k
Between £50k to £100k
Between £100k to £150k
Between £150k to £200k
Between £200k to £250k
Between £250k to £300k
Between £300k to £350k
Between £400k to £450k
Between £450k to £500k
Between £500k to £550k
Between £550k to £600k
Between £600k to £650k
Between £650k to £700k
Between £700k to £750k
Between £750k to £800k
Between £800k to £850k
Between £850k to £900k
Between £900k to £950k
Between £150k to £1m
Over £1m
Would you like to add a Named Nominee to your Project Agreement? You can add a Named Nominee to your Project at anytime during the course of your Project. However, adding this later will incur an administration fee
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
Named Nominee Name
Has your Named Nominee been Previously known by a Different Name?
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
What Name(s) was your Named Nominee Previously Known By?
What was the Reason for your Named Nominees Name Change?
Named Nominee Preferred Pronoun
Named Nominee Phone Number
Does your Named Nominee prefer Phone Calls via WhatsApp or Traditional/Normal Phone Calls
WhatsApp Phone Calls
Traditional/Normal Phone Calls
Named Nominee Email Address
Does your Named Nominee require any reasonable adjustments in the way we communicate with them?
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes - Please Provide Details Below
If you have answered Yes to the above, please select all that apply
Not Applicable
Visually Impaired, or Blind
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Dyslexia, or Autism Spectrum Disorder
Suffer from Mental Health Issues that require us to communicate with you differently
Named Nominee Correspondence Address including Full Postcode
If you have not included a Named Nominee in your project agreement, please enter N/A in this box.
By adding a Named Nominee contact you understand that they will need to provide us with a copy of their Original Proof of Identity Documentation, where we will take a copy of the information and upload this onto your project directory.
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes, I understand
If you would like to upload a copy of the Named Nominee Proof of Identity Documentation you can do this by following this link
Not Applicable - I have not included a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Please Note: These are the documents we accept for the Named Nominee's Proof of Identity
Not Applicable - I have not included a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
In Date Current Passport
Current Full Driving Licence (incl. paper & photo card if applicable. We cannot accept a provisional licence.)
Current National ID Card (for all countries except the UK)
By adding a Named Nominee you understand that by accepting your project, you are required to provide us with a copy of the Named Nominee Original Proof of Correspondence Address. Architecture North Ltd will securely upload this information to your project directory
Not Applicable - I have not included a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes, I understand
If you would like to upload a copy of the Named Nominee's Proof of Correspondence Address Documentation you can do this by following this link
Not Applicable - I have not included a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Please Note: These are the documents we accept for the Named Nominee's Proof of Correspondence Address Documentation
Not Applicable - I have not included a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Bank or Building Society Statement (Dated within last 3 months)
Original Utility Bill (Dated within last 3 months)
If you have added a Named Nominee to your Contract, would you like your Named Nominee to have access to essential project documentation, including contracts, permits, and key project files?
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes - | would like to include my Named Nominee to my Document Access
No - I do not want to include my Named Nominee to receive access to my Documents Area
If you have added a Named Nominee to your Contract, Correspondence Communication, would you like your Named Nominee to be carbon copied in our correspondence communication with the Instructing Client?
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes - I would like to include my Named Nominee to my Project Correspondence
No - I do not want to include my Named Nominee to my Project Correspondence
If you have added a Named Nominee to your Contract, Would you like your Named Nominee should be included in the submission of invoices from Architecture North Ltd?
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes - I would like to include my Named Nominee to my Submission of Invoices
No - I do not want to include my Named Nominee to receive Submission of my Invoices
By adding an Named Nominee you understand that they can speak and make changes to your project on your behalf.
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes, I understand
You understand that your Named Nominee will not have any legal rights, and your agreement will remain in your name, as the lead client.
Not Applicable - I have not added a Named Nominee to my Project Agreement
Yes, I understand
Are there any Pets or Animals at the Property? Both at the Project Correspondence Address and Project Site Address.
If Yes, what's their name, and what type of Animal are they?
If Not Applicable, please enter N/A
If Yes, is it possible to secure them in a separate location during our meeting’s?
Not Applicable
Are there any specific days you are available to accommodate meetings? A tick indicates the days that work for you.
Where would you prefer your meetings to be held? If needed, we can easily adjust the location at any time.
Your Correspondence Address
Your Project Site Address
Online Appointments
Studio Appointments
Remote Location Meeting Address - Please Provide Details Below
If you have confirmed Remote Location Meeting's please provide the Remote Location Address
If Not Applicable please write N/A here
If you have chosen your Meetings to be held at your Correspondence Address, Your Project Site Address, or a Remote Location, you will be liable for any associated travel and mileage as outlined with our Approved Disbursements.
Yes, I understand
Here at Architecture North Ltd, we conduct Client Sign-Off Phone Calls to confirm instructions and approvals. These calls typically last 30 minutes. With this in mind, please select a suitable time slot from the options provided below.
10:00 to 10:30
10:30 to 11:00
11:00 to 11:30
11:30 to 12:00
12:00 to 12:30
12:30 to 13:00
13:00 to 13:30
13:30 to 14:00
14:00 to 14:30
14:30 to 15:00
15:00 to 15:30
15:30 to 16:00
16:00 to 16:30
16:30 to 17:00
Clients Availability
Are there any days within the next 12 weeks where you cannot accommodate meetings?
As the Instructing Client, you acknowledge and agree that you are required to notify Architecture North Ltd at least 48 working hours prior to the scheduled appointment if you are unable to attend, in order to avoid the cancellation fee. If notice is not provided within the 48 working hours before the scheduled appointment, the cancellation/no-show fee will be invoiced on the next working day following the missed appointment.
Yes, I understand
As the Instructing Client you understand and agree that if you request an additional, unplanned, or emergency meeting, you will be liable for the associated fee. This fee will apply regardless of the nature or urgency of the meeting. By requesting such a meeting, the Client acknowledges their responsibility to pay the relevant fee as outlined in the contract.
Yes, I understand
Would you like to receive our Bespoke Handmade Cards from Architecture North?
Did you received any other quotations for this project?
If you have Answered "Yes", what was the name of the other company or companies you considered?
If Not Applicable, please write N/A within this box.
If you have Answered "Yes", what were there quoted amounts?
If Not Applicable, please write N/A within this box.
If you have received quotations from other companies, please provide the details by uploading them through this link:
How much did you expect to Pay for the Proposed Scope of Works associated with your Project?
How did you hear about Architecture North Ltd?
Why was our quotation accepted?
The quotation was thorough and detailed, providing clarity on all aspects of the project.
The expertise and knowledge demonstrated during our meeting was impressive.
After comparing multiple quotations, Architecture North Ltd had the cheapest quotation.
After comparing multiple quotations, Architecture North Ltd offered the best value for our needs.
The positive online reviews of Architecture North Ltd influenced our decision.
The strong reputation of Architecture North Ltd influenced our decision.
Architecture North Ltd’s project portfolio showcased relevant experience and expertise for our specific project.
We appreciated the professionalism and clarity of communication throughout the quotation process.
If you have selected Other, please provide more details
If Not Applicable, please write N/A within this box.
Could you please give us some feedback about what made you choose to appoint Architecture North Ltd for your project?
How likely is it that you would recommend Architecture North to a friend or colleague?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Project Confirmation
As our instructing client you confirm that you have read this agreement between the contract holder as mentioned above and Architecture North Ltd.
As our instructing client, please confirm you have reviewed and approved our disbursements and that you are aware that disbursements are subject to an annual review, adjusted for inflation, in April each year.
As our instructing client you understand the terms of engagements.
You acknowledge that on the next working day, Architecture North Ltd will issue your initial RIBA Work Stage invoice. In the event that this invoice is not settled by its due date, you will incur our default charge.
You hereby authorise Architecture North Ltd to commence with the project as mentioned above.
As our instructing client, would you prefer to receive a physical copy of this contract, printed and delivered to you through Royal Mail Tracked 24? If this option aligns with your preference, please refer to our Disbursements section for the associated fees.
Yes - Please refer to our Disbursements
Please undertake the Client's RIBA 0: Client Instruction
Declaration Made
By accepting this Project Quotation Acceptance Form, you affirm your agreement to the terms and conditions of Architecture North Ltd.
This signifies your consent to enter into a legally binding agreement with Architecture North Ltd.
Yes, Declaration Made
As our client, do you herby agree to Architecture North Ltd quote for our professional Scope of Services
Yes, I accept Architecture North Ltd's Professional Scope of Services
To proceed with your project’s contract, a wet signature is required. Architecture North will provide you with a document for signature, which must be returned to us.
Yes, I understand
Instructing Client's Digitally Typed Signature
Do you agree that your typed full name signature replaces, in this context, your written signature.
Yes, I agree
Date of Declaration
Time of Declaration (Digital Format)
Signed for and the behalf of Architecture North Ltd
Do you agree that your typed full name signature replaces, in this context, your written signature.
Yes, I agree
Date of Declaration
Time of Declaration (Digital Format)
If you would like to provide us with some feedback about your experience with us, please follow this link:
If you would like to leave a review, please follow this link: