Email Templates
Client Sign-Off
RIBA Work Stage 2 Client Sign-Off
Email Context:
Date: DD.MM.2023
Time: 18:00
From: admin@architecturenorth.co.uk
Good evening [Client Name],
I hope you’re well.
This is an automated email from Architecture North Ltd.
From the team at AN we would like to express our gratitude for providing us with your valuable RIBA Work Stage 2 Concept Design feedback.
Your input is highly appreciated and will greatly assist us in enhancing our services to better meet your specific needs.
We value your involvement in the design process and your willingness to share your thoughts and preferences. Your feedback will be thoroughly reviewed and carefully considered as we continue refining and developing your project.
To access a copy of your drawings, please follow the link provided below:
WeTransfer Link:
Please note: Your WeTransfer link will expire within 4 weeks, so please ensure you download the drawings within this timeframe.
To keep your project on track and active, I kindly request that you take the necessary actions within the next three working weeks.
Deadline Date: DD.MM.2023
Time: 23:30
If you do not undertake an action within the deadline date, your project will be automatically marked as completed as per your RIBA Contract, so please make sure you review/comment and/or approve your drawings.
If you have further revisions or amendments within your drawings issue pack, please contact the studio to arrange an appointment to undertake your project amendments or revisions.
Should you find your drawings acceptable, you need to sign off your RIBA Work Stage 2: Concept Design, which will give us the next instructions for your project:
RIBA Work Stage 2: Concept Design Client Sign-Off Page: https://www.architecturenorth.co.uk/clients-area/client-approval/riba-2
If you are having any problems with the attachments, links, or forms, please don't hesitate to contact us.
I trust that this meets with your approval, but should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
All phone calls, and conference sessions are recorded and monitored for the purpose of verifying accurate execution of your directives, whilst enhancing our level of service quality.
Our studio opening hours:
Monday 10am to 4pm | Tuesday 10am to 4pm | Wednesday 10am to 3pm | Thursday 10am to 4pm | Friday 10am to 3pm
Excluding bank/public holidays.
Our company policy does not allow us to undertake, or release any information until payment in full has been received.
You can follow us on our social media accounts, by searching @theANStudios which are also listed within my email signature, our social media accounts showcase a number of projects we have, followed by the professional level of service we deliver to our clients.
Many thanks,
Architecture North Ltd.
RIBA Work Stage 3 Client Sign-Off
Email Context:
Date: DD.MM.2023
Time: 18:00
From: admin@architecturenorth.co.uk
Good evening [Client Name],
I hope you’re well.
This is an automated email from Architecture North Ltd.
Further to your RIBA Work Stage 2 Client Sign-Off Page, I can confirm that we have followed your instructions and fully developed your project for RIBA Work Stage 3.
We kindly request that you take the time to review the drawings we have prepared for your project.
If you find your drawings acceptable, your Client Sign-Off will provide us with the necessary instructions to proceed with the next steps of your project.
To access a copy of your drawings, please follow the link provided below:
WeTransfer Link:
Please note: Your WeTransfer link will expire within 4 weeks, so please ensure you download the drawings within this timeframe.
To keep your project on track and active, I kindly request that you take the necessary actions within the next three working weeks.
Deadline Date: DD.MM.2023
Time: 23:30
If you do not undertake an action within the deadline date, your project will be automatically marked as completed as per your RIBA Contract, so please make sure you review/comment and/or approve your drawings.
Should you find your drawings acceptable, you need to sign off your RIBA Work Stage 3: Developed Design, which will give us the next instructions for your project:
RIBA Work Stage 3: Developed Design Client Sign-Off Page: https://www.architecturenorth.co.uk/clients-area/client-approval/riba-3
If you are having any problems with the attachments, links, or forms, please don't hesitate to contact us.
I trust that this meets with your approval, but should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
All phone calls, and conference sessions are recorded and monitored for the purpose of verifying accurate execution of your directives, whilst enhancing our level of service quality.
Our studio opening hours:
Monday 10am to 4pm | Tuesday 10am to 4pm | Wednesday 10am to 3pm | Thursday 10am to 4pm | Friday 10am to 3pm
Excluding bank/public holidays.
Our company policy does not allow us to undertake, or release any information until payment in full has been received.
You can follow us on our social media accounts, by searching @theANStudios which are also listed within my email signature, our social media accounts showcase a number of projects we have, followed by the professional level of service we deliver to our clients.
Many thanks,
Architecture North Ltd.