Leave Request Form.This form must be completed by the employee requesting annual leave and submitted for approval.This online form confirms your request for annual leave and outlines the dates you wish to take off.Please note that all leave requests are subject to approval and cannot be amended once confirmed. Name of Employee * Employees Company Number * EMPXXAN Employees Phone Number * Employees Email Address * Employees Job Title * Date of Form Submission * Employee's Line Manager * Q1. Are you Requesting a Leave for One Week or More? * Yes No - Please select Not Applicable for the next question then continue to question 2. If Yes, Are you submitting this request a month before? * Yes No Not Applicable Q2. If you are requesting a single day(s) holiday, are you giving a 2 weeks or more notice? * Yes, That's correct No, I am requesting a leave for one week or more. No Leave Request Details Are you requesting a Half-day? * Yes No If Yes, What is the Date you are requesting for? * If Not Applicable, please write N/A here. Time Period for Half-day * 09:00-14:00 14:00-17:00 Not requesting for a Half-day Time off Start Date * Time off End Date * How many Days are you requesting off? * Type of Request * Paid Annual Leave Unpaid Annual Leave Family-Related Leave Parental Bereavement Leave Other, Please provide Details Below If you have answered 'Other' to the above, Please provide Details Below: * The Company encourages employees to utilise their entire holiday entitlement within the current holiday year. Carryover of unused holidays is not permitted, and no payment in lieu will be made except in the case of employment termination. The Company may authorise unpaid annual leave upon receiving a formal request from an employee. Approval of unpaid leave requests is subject to the Company's discretion, taking into account operational requirements. Employees planning holidays exceeding one week in duration must provide a minimum of one month's notice. For single-day holidays, a notice period of two weeks is required. Typically, consecutive working weeks exceeding two weeks will not be approved. Digitally Typed Signature * Do you agree that your typed full name signature replaces, in this context, your written signature. * Yes, I agree Date of Declaration * Time of Submission (Digital Format) * Do you confirm that all the information you have provided Today is Correct * Yes, Declaration Made Thank you for your Annual Leave Request. The team will take the time review your request.