Meeting Cancellations


Reason for Meeting Cancellation


Please only copy the code numbers.

Do not include the description.

For Example: Code 01


Code 01 - Scheduling Conflict

Code 02 - Client Request

Code 03 - Project Delay

Code 04 - Internal Prioritisation

Code 05 - Resource Unavailability

Code 06 - Emergency Situation

Code 07 - Technical Issues

Code 08 - Budget Constraints

Code 09 - Weather Conditions

Code 10 - Health Concerns

Code 11 - Venue Unavailability

Code 12 - Regulatory Compliance

Code 13 - Travel Restrictions

Code 14 - Insufficient Preparation Time

Code 15 - Stakeholder Unavailability

Most importantly, this is your project, and we want to ensure that you are satisfied with the end result.