Account, Invoices & Payment Information.

Please remember your payments should reach our accounts as cleared funds by the date shown on the front of your invoice.

Method of payment to AN

Telephone & Online BACs Transfer

You will need to provide your bank with our bank details:

  • Bank Account Name: Architecture North Ltd

  • Bank Sort Code: 60-83-71

  • Bank Account Number: 846 040 52

  • Reference Number: Is your Invoice Number

Please check with your Banking provider that your payment will reach our account by the due date shown.

Checking your Statements or Invoices

If you have a query about your statement please contact the practice studio as soon as possible. The earlier you contact us about a disputed entry, the more we may be able to do for you.

Account Information

If you have missed one payment, we will automatically send you charged paper copies in addition to your online statements. You will continue to receive charged paper copies until your payments are up to date.

Please follow think link to your RIBA Professional Service Contracts.

You can view our Disbursements by following this link.

Extenuating Circumstances.

We understand that unexpected situations may arise, necessitating flexibility in payment arrangements.

To assist us in effectively processing your request, we kindly request that you complete our Extenuating Circumstances Form. This form is designed to provide us with a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing your request and will enable us to assess and address your situation appropriately

If you anticipate being unable to make payment by the due date stated on your invoice, kindly complete the form within 24 hours from receiving the invoice sent at 10:30 am. This will ensure that we promptly and comprehensively review your extenuating circumstances.

Failure to submit the form within the specified timeframe may result in the application of default charges, as outlined in our contractual agreement and detailed in the submitted invoice. This measure is necessary to uphold the terms agreed upon, as non-payment falls outside the agreed terms.

To Change your Personal Details.

If you have changed your name, address, or email information please let us know. Write to us at the above email address listing your title, full name and address, home and mobile telephone number.

If you would like this in another format, such as Large Print, Braille or Audio.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us at the studio details on our Contact link below. Calls may be monitored and recorded in case we need to check that we have carried out your instructions correctly and to help improve our quality of service.

How Interest is Charged

We calculate interest daily based on the total amount you owe. We add together all the daily interest amounts in each statement and add the total to your invoice date.
The sooner you make your payments, even before the payment date due, the less interest you will pay.

Interest Charging Information

We calculate interest daily based on 8% of the dealing rate of the Bank of England, current at the date that payment becomes overdue. We add together all the daily interest amounts in each statement period, and add together your balance on your invoice date.

Allocation of Payments

We use your payments to clear any overdue amounts before we apply them to you latest statement.
We use your payments in the following order:

  • any overdue amounts from your previous statement; then

  • the remaining balance on your statement; then

  • any recent project hours not yet shown on your statement.

We use your payments to pay off balances charged at the highest interest rate and so forth down to the lowest interest rates.

This means the more expensive balances are always paid off first.

Default Charges Disbursements

Please refer to our disbursements below.

Terms and Conditions

For more information about your monthly statement please refer to your RIBA Contracts below.

Client’s Bank Details.

This form is designed to collect necessary banking information from our clients to process refunds efficiently and securely.
This form ensures that we have accurate details to transfer the refund directly to our client's bank account, minimising delays and errors.

Privacy Policy.

We work hard to keep your personal data secure, which includes reviewing our privacy notice.
When there is an important change we’ll remind you to take a look, so you’re aware on how we use your data.

Dispute Resolution.

If you have a problem with your agreement, please try and resolve it with us in the first instance. If you are not happy with the way in which we have handled your complaint or the result, you may be able to complain to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). If you do not take up your problem with us at the first instance, you will not be entitled to complain to the Royal Institute of British Architects. We can provide you with details of how to contact the RIBA.

More Information

If you would like to know more information about our RIBA Professional Service Contracts and our Disbursements rates.
Please follow the relevant links below.